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Swap testing: Why is it important?

Feature testing is essential to ensure the new feature works smoothly before releasing to the public, and Swap – Ready’s all-new feature – is no exception.

While our development team is actively working on this feature, Ready also would like to test Swap with beta testers, who will be using it in a real-world scenario. We hope to gather valuable feedback and further improve the Swap feature, thereby bringing about the most satisfactory experience for actual users.

Without further ado, let’s see how you can join testing Swap with Ready below.

How to perform Swap testing with Ready

There are some key terms you need to know before reading this guide.

Our newly-released feature, also known as Swap, is now live on Mumbai (Polygon) testnet. We would like to invite you to test Swap on this test space before it can launch on the mainnet.

Swapping is basically a transaction, so to test Swap with Ready, you’ll need tokens to transact and pay gas fees. Don’t worry; we don’t ask for your real valuable tokens. In this phase, you can just make use of testnet tokens (MATIC) from faucets.

Below is a step-by-step guide to test Swap on testnet.

Step 1: Request testnet tokens from faucets

Since Ready is available for testing on Mumbai testnet, you can request tokens from Mumbai faucets.

To claim MATIC from these faucets, please:

The testnet tokens will arrive in your wallet within some minutes. Generally, the network will send you a small amount of tokens only (about 0.1 – 1 native token), which should be enough for many transactions.

Step 2: Check if MATIC arrive in your wallet

To make sure you have received requested testnet tokens, you can follow either method below.

Use Ready App

If you haven’t downloaded Ready, check it out here.

  • Select the wallet address you have submitted in step 1.
  • Select Settings on the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Choose Mumbai as the network.
  • You’ll see your wallet detailed info, including transactions and balance. Check if the requested MATIC has arrived in your wallet.

Use corresponding scanner

  • Open the Polygon PoS Chain Testnet Explorer.
  • Enter the wallet address you have submitted in step 1. Click the Search icon to initiate scan.
  • Check your balance or check if there is any inward payment (IN) that transfers MATIC to your address.

Step 3: Start testnet swaps

Once you have a specific amount of MATIC, you can start testing swaps on testnet.

In order to complete the swap test for Ready, you should take the following steps:

  • Start swapping a small amount of tokens to other common ERC-20 tokens (e.g. MATIC → USDT, MATIC → BANANA, MATIC → DAI).
  • After a few times, you’ll have several tokens for more convenient use.
  • Swap at least 20 times on Ready Swap Web with the values and pairs as specified in the table below.
  • Make sure you complete every feedback form popping up after you swap.

Useful tips to swap more effectively on Polygon Testnet

  • Don’t swap all the tokens you have in one transaction.
  • Make sure you put aside enough native tokens to cover gas fees.
  • You can swap other tokens to native tokens (MATIC) to pay gas fees.
  • You can always request more native tokens from faucets (Step 1 above) if you run out of MATIC.

Bottom Line

As you see, getting testnet tokens on Polygon is straightforward, which only involves entering your wallet address into a Polygon faucet website and submitting the request.

It’s also that easy to become one of the first users to try our brand-new Swap feature and get paid plus priority support from our team. Are you ready? Join us now!