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đź’ˇ TL, DR:

  • 90% of mobile apps collect users’ data and send it to third parties.
  • App providers use data to optimize customer experience, product quality, and consumer-brand relationship.
  • Users can track what type of data the app is collecting and change the data privacy permission if needed.
  • To minimize the risk of being tracked, everybody should only download apps from reliable sources and check the reviews along with access permission.


Data privacy has been one of the most controversial topics on the Internet in recent years. It is widely known that all mobile applications and software track and collect users’ data.

However, have you ever thought about: How much do the applications know about you? And, is it harmful to yourself? If yes, then what should you do? Please scroll down this article to learn more about it!

Is my data collected by apps?

Of course, yes.

According to a study published in the Financial Times, 88~90 percent of apps could transfer users’ data to third parties within the US, 5 percent to China, and 3 percent to a Russian subsidiary.

Another research on Tech Advisor showed that the top 10 apps collect the most data from customers, including Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, PayPal, Amazon, Line, Linkedin, etc., and the list continues.

Just by two short reports, it is obvious that the apps we use every day, like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Linkedin, are all collecting data and sending it to third parties somewhere that we could not even know about.

How much data do these apps collect?

A lot, we must say. Based on your usage behaviors like average usage time, pages you follow, the place where you logged in to the app, etc., they know enough to know your location, your current interest, behavior, plans, and financial status as well.

An image of Instagram login page showing how mobile apps collect your data.
Most apps collect your personal data. | Source: Pexels.

Why do mobile apps collect your personal data?

Improve products’ quality

Every business tends to collect user data to enhance product quality.

For example, when checking customer information on how long they use the app, the bouncing rate, the average sections per day, the average pages per session, v.v, the company can see how the users view their app.

If the statistics prove that users are fond of some aspects or features of the software, then the developers will find ways to optimize it.

Identify customers’ behavior

Besides boosting products’ performance, collecting data also helps recognize customers’ behavior and patterns. And why is it important for mobile apps?

Just take Facebook as an example. Do you realize what makes it addictive for you? The reason is: the content seems to match your interests. All content appearing in your timeline is all that you are caring about. The more “fit” the content is, the longer you stay on the app.

That being said, most mobile apps will collect data for a better personalized user experience.

Enhance customers-brand communication

Last but not least, users’ data will let the company communicate with its customers better.

Moreover, sometimes customer data can help businesses recognize future business opportunities. “Which demands can we help customers to resolve?” – if the team can come up with a resolution, then there is room for new business ideas.

Apps are collecting data to enhance user experience. | Source: Rawpixel

Should you worry about mobile data collection?

As explained above, companies collect users’ data just for better customer journeys and product development. To add in, you can check what data the app is collecting from you and remove the permission if needed. Most application providers are transparent about that.

However, we understand that many people still feel annoyed and threatened if they are tracked by a stranger they will never know about. That is scary, to be honest.

All you want is a fast, convenient experience using the app to support your life better, but then you have to face the fear that, you never know how your data is used. Even though application providers confirm not to use your information for illegal purposes, can you totally trust them?

We doubt that many of us will not.

That being said, despite your data being kept for improving the in-app experience, the answer is still a “Yes” on “Should you worry about mobile data collection”. We totally recommend people support apps that don’t collect users’ data at all, such as Ready.

What should you do to minimize the harm?

You can control the app’s access permission. | Source: Wikipedia

You cannot stop the app from collecting your data as long as you have it on your phone. However, you can minimize the risks from it by yourself!

Here are some tips for you:

  1. Only download apps from reliable sources such as App Store and Google Play Store.
  2. Before downloading apps, check the reviews first. If there are negative complaints about access permission, you should not download the app.
  3. Go to Settings and check the app’s permissions thoroughly, then remove the rights that make you feel unsafe to share.
  4. Consider carefully before granting any consent for any app.
  5. Try not to connect the app with your personal account (email, phone number, social media account) to avoid data sharing between parties.

Final thoughts

In a nutshell, most mobile apps collect users’ data for marketing and selling purposes. In most cases, this data tracking act is considered not to be so dangerous since the company only uses it for business enhancement.

However, it is still annoying for people who prioritize their privacy. So, if you are one of those users, please follow our suggestions in the “What should you do” section!